Saturday 16 July 2011


I've just come across this selection of reviews. From Amazon's extensive product list, "Bewerter" has reviewed:
  • a chair;
  • an electric fan;
  • and a popular book on Algorithmic Information Theory and philosophy of Mathematics
(you can guess which of those led me to stumble across him).

This is so interesting. First of all there's the Amazon customer's name: "Bewerter". That means "reviewer", doesn't it? Certainly not "mathematician" or "sedentary person" or "cool guy". And the objects reviewed, though few in number, are so spectacularly diverse. What do they have in common? Only that this chap (somehow I think it's a he) has reviewed them.

Is Bewerter showing us a new way of looking at the world? One rooted in Web 2.0 and the new forms of online capitalism? Where the defining attribute of objects is not function or content, but how they've been reviewed?